

1. 介绍 & 目的
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act or Clery Act is a federal statue codified at 20 U.S.C. §1092(f),以及美国的实施条例.S. 联邦法规34°C.F.R. 668.46.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire is compliant with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998, 经修订的(“克莱利法案”). The Clery Act requires colleges and universities receiving federal financial assistance to gather and make public information about certain crimes on or near their campuses and publish policy statements concerning campus safety and security.  This policy sets forth guidelines and procedures intended to ensure the University’s ongoing compliance with the Clery Act’s obligations.

The Clery Act requires the University to annually publish to the Department of Education and distribute an Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report by October 1st of each year. 这些报告包括克莱利犯罪的统计数字, 过去三年报告的火灾事故数据, 有适当的安全政策和程序来保护社区, 处理威胁的信息, 紧急情况和危险情况, 以及处理校园安全的大学政策和程序. 

The ASR is distributed to all currently enrolled students and all employees via email and by posting the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report on the 大学警察 website.  电子邮件包含报告可用性的声明, 对其内容的简要说明, 到ASR的直连URL, 并声明提供免费的ASR纸质副本. 

The ASR is also publicized and made available to prospective students and prospective employees via website presence and other recruitment documents.  大学警察将ASR副本提供给人力资源部, 学生事务, 和招生办公室分发给现有和未来的员工和学生.

3. 向教育署专上教育办事处提交统计数字
大学警察于每年十月完成校园安全及保安调查.  这些数据被公布在能源部的公共网站上,供高等教育消费者使用.  场地位于 http://ope.ed.gov/campussafety/#/institution/search

4. 校园安全与权威指定 & 培训
cssa是指大学里的人, 因为他们在大学的职责, have an obligation to notify the institution of alleged Clery incidents that are reported to them, 他们得出的结论是善意的.

以确定哪些人的工作描述使他们成为校园安全部门, 威斯康星大学克莱尔分校认为个人或办公室的功能.  Staff whose functions involve relationships with students and who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities are campus security authorities.

CSAs at UW-Eau克莱尔 are: members of the 大学警察 department; individuals other than 大学警察 who have responsibility for campus security (e.g. an individual who is responsible for monitoring an entrance into institutional property); individuals or organization to whom campus policy directs students and employees to report criminal offenses; officials with significant responsibility for student and campus activities, 包括, 但不限于, 学生住房, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings (“official” is defined as any person who has the authority and the duty to take action or respond to particular issues on behalf of the institution).
Examples of individuals who meet the criteria for being campus security authorities include: The Dean of Students, 体育总监, 球队的教练, 学生团体的教师顾问, 宿舍主任和宿舍顾问. Individuals who do not meet the criteria for being campus security authorities include faculty members who do not have any responsibility for student and campus activity beyond the classroom, 以及一些行政和设施相关的员工.

cssa须以书面通知大学警务处(e.g. 在线表格,电子邮件,校园邮件)的所有报告的克莱利法犯罪. 不确定某一事件是否构成《澳门黄金城官网赌场》犯罪的csa应该报告. cssa不负责权威性地确定犯罪是否发生.

CSAs are notified upon hire and annually that they are designated as CSAs and are trained in their responsibilities as CSAs.

  • Compile statistics of reports on the types of Clery Crimes reported for the University’s property, 紧邻的公共区域和贯穿校园的公共区域, 远程教室设施和非校园设施;
  • 收集向大学警察举报的克莱利犯罪案件, 当地执法部门, University officials and others associated with the University who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities; and
  • 审核报告,确保可报告的事件包括在ASR和AFSR中.

6. 及时的警告 & 紧急通知*
UW-Eau克莱尔 provides timely warnings of Clery Crimes that may be an ongoing threat to the campus, so that individuals may take steps to protect themselves and to aid in the prevention of similar crimes. 一旦获得相关信息,就会发出警告, 使个人能够保护自己,防止类似犯罪的发生.

The Clery Act requires notification of emergency events and dangerous conditions then occurring on campus or that present an imminent threat to the campus.

大学警察, 与学生教务长协商后, 大学通信, 和其他需要的人员, will determine whether a timely warning or other type of communications regarding an incident is warranted. 

7. 每天犯罪 & 火日志
大学警察每天都有罪案记录供公众查阅 & 火日志. Crime log entries will show all reported crimes – not just Clery reportable crimes – for crimes reported within UW-Eau克莱尔 Police Department’s patrol jurisdiction.  校内学生宿舍内所有实际发生的火灾都要记入火灾日志, and for arson or attempted arson anywhere within UW-Eau克莱尔 Police Department’s patrol jurisdiction. 日志条目将显示案件编号, 人员分配, 事件的性质, 位置, 日期/时间收到, 以及发生的日期/时间.  火灾日志条目将包括火灾原因. 当收到查看60天犯罪记录的请求时 & 火日志 during regular business hours, the log will be immediately presented to the requestor. Requests for log information older than 60 days will be provided to the requestor within two business days.

8. 校园的地理位置
The Clery Act requires the University to disclose statistics for reported Clery Act crimes that occur (1) on campus, (二)在校园内或紧靠校园的公共财产上, (三)在学校拥有或控制的非校园建筑物内或建筑物上.

大学警察 maintains a map that outlines the University’s entire Clery Act geography; also indicative of the 大学警察 patrol jurisdiction. The 大学警察 will update the map as necessary and review it in its entirety on an annual basis.  该地图链接到大学警察网站.

*Additional procedural information on the ASR/ASFR and Timely Warnings are included in the UW-Eau克莱尔 大学警察 Clery Act Compliance Procedures.
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